Ecuador has been under a strict lockdown now for over 8 weeks due to COVID-19. This means most businesses are closed, some workers are being laid off, and day-labourers do not have work. We are seeking to help alleviate the economic effects of lockdown for the BCC church in Loja and provide food parcels for needy members, their families and neighbours.
Two families of neighbours receiving food parcels
We praise God for His surprising timely provision of local donations in March at the beginning of the need. This enabled us to buy food in bulk and give to needy families of the church and then to some of the neighbours in communities around us (while taking all necessary precautions***).
Church members helping distribute packs
Funds arrived from the UK through OMS in April and we have been able to help more families locally and have now given out over 250 emergency family-size food packs with Gospel literature. Strict restrictions mean cars can only be used on one set day per week. Thankfully a Christian police chief waived this restriction for us so we could distribute nearby, in a very needy neighbourhood, and he even sent a police escort. We gave out 52 packs in under an hour and on the next drop distributed 50 packs in under 30 minutes! Even though there is so much need there were no problems and we helped many grateful people and their families.
One of the poor neighbourhoods
Two months ago we had a football outreach in the same area and so we know several families there. We praise God for the Christian Police Chief, who is here for such a time as this, and for the funds received so far. Please consider giving to the Ecuador Emergency Fund at this time. Currently we only have funds to buy for 60 more packs, which we could give out in under one week. There is great need and the lockdown and its effects are set to continue for 2 more months or more.
Mark Vogan making up packs
***(Careful handling of the dry foods, wearing protective gear, frequent hand-washing and on return immediately scrubbing down and washing clothes.)