10th-22nd FEBRUARY 2025
Working in partnership with OMS missionaries in Kangundo, Kenya, part of the time on this team will be spent facilitating a Pastor’s Conference to encourage local pastors in their ministry. There will also be opportunities to get involved in prayer, local Bible studies and build links between the churches and the local community.
Cost will be £750 plus flights
19th JULY - 3rd AUGUST 2025
This team will work alongside the Mozambican ministry Somos Nos, which in partnership with the local church provides wheelchairs, facilitates church and community mobilisation, and promotes community health. ]
The team will carry out home visits, support the team in the workshop and show God's love to all those they meet.
Cost £655 plus flights

The camp allows Hungarian students to see what it means to live in relationship with Jesus Christ. We share testimonies with the students of what God has done in our lives. We discuss
topics relevant to youth and how God can make an impact in their lives. The camp is specifically designed to get the students thinking about their personal beliefs and to make a clear Gospel presentation. Through building relationships, students can witness first-hand the love God has for them through you!​​