As we approach the Christmas season, we are taken up with gift giving, carol singing and many other ways where we can demonstrate God’s unfathomable gift of His Son for our salvation. We are showing others in our own small way something of God’s love in action. We all come into contact with people who don’t attend church and have no other way to hear the Gospel, so we have a great responsibility to share God’s love. We have been sent as a light to the Gentiles, a light that some people might not otherwise have. We can influence others through our actions, but we can only be a light if we stay close to the source of the light. Our light needs power, so we need to get into God’s presence and seek God’s will, plan and blessing. Then we can, with God’s help, be used as a light for salvation unto the ends of the earth. We don’t know who is observing our Christian walk, but we can show the unsaved what it means to be a Christian. Let your light shine in every area of your life and perhaps in eternity we will see the impact this light that we have been given.
Cheryl Kelly, OMS UK