What's the Story?
The Vision
The evangelical church in Ireland hovers at around 1% of the population. There are millions of people in Ireland who would not be able to define the Gospel - let alone define what is an “evangelical”. The evangelical churches are concerned about this but they don’t have the resources to address this on a national scale.
OMS saw this need and formed a steering committee to see if a National Campaign could be organised to highlight the Gospel and increase the exposure of the evangelical community in Ireland.
The vision is to conduct a National Evangelistic Campaign which would assist local churches to run effective outreach in their communities. The campaign would run for six weeks. Each week radio, social media, billboards, mass mailing, etc., would be used to highlight a different question that people in Ireland have about religion. The campaign would highlight the questions and then each local church would answer those questions in whatever format they wanted. They could conduct a series of six Sunday morning messages, or they could host a series of Bible studies mid-week or they could distribute tracts in their location that answer the question for that week. The promotional material would link the local church to the national campaign. For example, a local church could put up a banner that uses the same logo as the national campaign. A driver passing by would then know that this local church is part of a national movement. He would also know that this local church will be addressing the question he saw on a billboard earlier.
The Purpose
The purpose of this campaign is to assist evangelical churches in fulfilling the great commission of making disciples of Jesus Christ in Ireland.
The Plan
In this national campaign we plan to assist churches by:
- Promoting prayer as a vital part of spreading the Gospel in Ireland.
- Conducting research to discover the top six religious questions people in Ireland are asking.
- Spearheading a national, six-week, multi-media campaign that addresses six FAQ’s people
have about God.
- Producing top quality promotional material that churches can use to advertise the campaign.
- Producing a website that both promotes, and helps answer the top 5-7 questions.
What's the Story?
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